Chosen for Their Use (Ventori Masters Book 4) Read online

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  This particular guard frequently left his post or appeared inattentive to his duties, more evidence that Erin had planned her escape well. She eased open their door and then motioned Kyla to follow. They crept down the corridor in the opposite direction from the guard. The burly Ventori stood with his back against the wall, head bowed, eyes closed. They ducked around the corner at the end of the short corridor, and Erin led her into one of the storerooms. Kyla had never been in the room before, but obviously Erin had. There was a window in the outer wall big enough for them to climb through.

  “It was nailed shut, but I pried it open,” Erin whispered, clearly proud of her accomplishment. She slid the glass pane upward, then carefully took off the screen, maneuvering it into the room rather than letting it fall to the ground. “It’s a bit of a drop, so remember to bend your knees when you land or you’ll twist your ankle.”

  Kyla nodded, curious to see how far they’d get without detection. There were guards all over the compound. The sooner the better, if she had her preference.

  They both made it safely to the ground and Erin headed out with clear purpose in her movements. Had the crazy chit studied patrol routes and guard placements? She definitely seemed to know when to duck into shadows and when to run like hell. Kyla had always known Erin was much more intelligent than she pretended, but this was surprising.

  The main cluster of buildings quickly gave way to seemingly endless vehicle lots. Most of the ground transports had been confiscated from the human military, but there were six lots with ships of various sizes and functions. Common shuttles and wicked-looking fighters faced off across a wide dirt aisle. It was all surreal, even after weeks of direct exposure. It was still hard to believe that aliens had finally come to Earth.

  An engine growled in the distance and Erin yanked Kyla into the darkness between two angular fighters. They huddled there until a hummer roared past, then continued along the aisle, keeping closer to the shadows.

  The sun sank well below the horizon, releasing a multitude of stars in the cloudless sky. Already the breeze began to cool, hinting at a shiver-worthy night to come.

  “Please hurry,” Erin urged. “The three on duty right now are much less likely to turn you in than the pod that replaces them.”

  Turn her in? She wasn’t the one trying to escape. Bothered by her friend’s casual statement, Kyla struggled to keep up with Erin’s brisk pace. Would anyone believe Kyla had been attempting to save Erin from herself or would they presume she had been helping her friend escape? Ventori punishments were swift and harsh. She didn’t want to endure a humiliating spanking or the searing pain of the other implements Ventori used to chastise their females.

  A familiar ache erupted deep in her core. She was afraid of the inevitable pain, but something about being bound and helpless fascinated and aroused her. She shook away the disquieting thought and focused on the present.

  Three guards had just come into view when Erin ducked into a dilapidated storage shed. A section of the back wall was missing and the partially opened door in the front was immobilized by rust. Willowy Erin easily slipped through the narrow opening, but Kyla struggled to squeeze her curvier body through.

  “That was fun,” she muttered as she followed Erin deeper into the ramshackle building. It wasn’t large and moonlight streamed in from gaps in the walls and roof.

  Erin threw some tumbleweeds and a ratty tarp aside, revealing a skimmer loaded down with an assortment of supplies. “See.” She motioned to the small hovercraft. “I’ve prepared for this.”

  Kyla nodded, starting to wonder if Erin might actually pull this off. “I wish there were some way you could contact me and let me know you’re all right. It’s going to drive me crazy not knowing if you’re safe.”

  “You don’t need to worry,” Erin insisted. “I’ll be fine. I’ve planned for everything. I’m going to make it.”

  Now that was truly naive. Erin’s cousin didn’t know she was coming and the variables Erin would be facing in the wasteland were astronomical. “When is the last time you spoke with your cousin?”

  “It’s been a while,” Erin admitted. “I checked in with everyone in my family before the Skarilians went after the communication satellites. My cousins have lived in Waco forever. There’s no reason to think they won’t be there now. And if they’re still in Waco, I know for a fact they’ll take me in. My whole family is like that.”

  “Lucky you,” Kyla muttered under her breath. With her it had been just her mom and an ever-changing string of useless boyfriends. But that was the past, a past that had no meaning in this new world. “You better get gone.”

  Erin paused long enough to give Kyla a lingering hug. “I’ll owe you forever for this.” Then she climbed on the skimmer and started the nearly silent engine.

  “Give me a few minutes to draw their focus, then head out as fast as that thing will carry you,” Kyla advised.

  “The shed sits at the perfect angle. I can see the guards and the wasteland. I’ll know when you have them good and distracted.”

  “Good luck.” Kyla waved one final time then hustled out of the shed. Openly flirting wasn’t her style, but the defenders were so sex-starved, all she’d have to do is make eye contact and they’d latch on to her like ticks. She’d play her part just long enough for Erin to get away, to feel like she’d succeeded, but not long enough for her to be put in any real danger. Then she’d tell the guards what was going on. The Ventori patrolled the wasteland on skimmers and with small ships so it shouldn’t take them long to locate Erin.

  The Ventori pod guarding the sector stood in a small cluster, deep in conversation when they should have been observing their surroundings. As Erin said, they weren’t taking this very seriously. One of them heard, or sensed, her approach. He whipped his head around, gaze gleaming in the dimness. “Hands up,” he snapped, moving quickly toward her. “What are you doing this far from the females’ quarters?”

  At least he’d noticed she was female. “I don’t do well in locked rooms. Do you?” She swayed her hips and tossed back her hair, hoping the maneuvers appeared natural. “I was wondering if you’d settle a bet for me.”

  The other two guards had turned to face her, their gazes also fixed on her face. “You should return to your room immediately. It’s well past curfew,” the leader insisted.

  “This will only take a minute.” She punctuated the sentence with her warmest smile.

  “Not the way I do it,” one of the others said, sensual promise rumbling in his deep tone.

  Even in the moonlight their skin looked unusually pale, or it would have been if they were humans. Ventori skin was always white or dove-gray. Conversely, their hair was naturally dark, or streaked with red, but affluent defenders liked to personalize their appearance, changing the color of their hair and the ‘marbling’ in their eyes to vivid and unique shades. It was too dark to see the specific coloring of these males, but the lack of detail didn’t keep them from looking dangerous. They were still enormous and menacing.

  “I just want to talk,” she stressed, not wanting them to anticipate anything physical.

  “What’s the bet?” The leader crossed his arms over his broad chest as he stared down at her impatiently.

  “Amy says you guys can sniff out your potential mates, but Jenny insists we’re compatible with all of you. Do you know which is right?” She knew the answer. The situation had been explained in minute detail to all of the females, but the guards probably didn’t know that.

  “They’re both right,” the leader told her, seeming to relax.

  She made a face, hoping she looked confused not deranged. “How can they both be right?”

  “You lack a protein in your blood that is extremely toxic to us, so technically you’re genetically compatible with all of us.”

  “However,” the third guard finally spoke, “there are levels of compatibility and your scent will tell us how well your genetics match ours. The more likely you are to conceive, the better y
ou smell and the more we’ll want you.”

  Unsure if Erin was safely away, Kyla moved a little closer. “Would you mind… you know, sniffing me? I want to see if it really works.”

  The third male lunged past the leader and pulled her into his arms. She gasped and brought her hands up to push against his chest. Holy shit, the guy was strong. He pulled her nearly off her feet as he pressed his face against her neck and inhaled over and over.

  “Back off, Troft,” the leader commanded. “I can smell her well enough from here to know she’s not going to trigger rut.”

  With obvious reluctance, the third male let her go and moved back into position behind the pod leader.

  Had it been long enough? She hadn’t heard or seen Erin depart, but that didn’t mean she was still in the shed. How far should she let Erin get before calling in the cavalry? Torn between uncertainty and concern for her friend, Kyla opted for giving Erin more time.

  “What is ‘rut’?” she asked softly as trepidation coiled in her gut. She had to keep them talking long enough for Erin to make her escape. But this was dangerous, and not just for Erin. “I’ve never heard that term before.”

  The leader stalked toward her, his features hard and displeased. He caught Kyla by the upper arms and pulled her up onto the balls of her feet. “Why are you really here, little girl? We have a job to do and you’re disturbing us.”

  “Sorry.” She sniffed and raised her chin, averting her gaze. “I didn’t realize I was such a bother.”

  “You’re not a bother unless this is a twisted game.” One of his hands grabbed her butt and pulled her flush with the front of his body. His other encircled her torso, trapping her arms against her sides. The hardened ridge of his cock pressed into her soft belly. “You’re welcome to stay, if you’re willing to suck me off while the other two fuck you. If not, get the hell out of here!” He shoved her back so hard she stumbled and almost fell.

  Happy to oblige him, she spun on the ball of her foot and prepared to run.

  The third man caught her arm and jerked her back around. “She wants it. Why else would she be out here in the dark, all alone.” He reached for her breast, but she slapped his hand away.

  “Let go!” She tugged against his hold, heartbeat racing as fear surged through her other emotions. “I just wanted to talk.”

  The jerk ignored her. “It makes it more exciting for her if she resists.”

  “Like hell it does!” She used her other hand in an effort to break free. His fingers didn’t even move. Panicked now, she looked at the leader. “Tell him to let go. Please!”

  “See,” Three stressed. “It’s a game. She’s into this.”

  The leader’s gaze narrowed and he slowly inhaled. “I smell fear, but I also smell arousal.” A cruel smile curved his lips. “Does danger always make you wet?”

  They weren’t making her wet. Thinking about Becky’s punishment had aroused her. “You’re both insane.” She glared at Three and refocused on freeing her arm. “Let go and I won’t turn you in.”

  Three laughed, his eyes gleaming in the dimness. “You won’t turn us in because you’re the one breaking the rules.”

  Tired of trying to reason with the asshole, Kyla sucked in a lungful of air and screamed as loud as she could.

  Three rolled his eyes, then dragged her closer as he moved behind her. “We’re way too far out for anyone to hear you. Scream all you like.” He snagged her elbows with one arm, pulling them back until the pressure immobilized her upper body. She kicked back at him, then used him as leverage to kick out as the leader approached.

  “Damn. She’s a wild one.” The leader seemed amused by her distress now and easily avoided her attempts to kick him. “There’s a simple way to stop someone from kicking.” His smug smile turned into an evil grin as he unfastened her pants and dragged them down around her knees.

  Kyla stilled, terrified and shaking. She’d been worried about Erin’s misadventure, when she should have been protecting herself. “Please, don’t do this. It’s not a game. I didn’t come here for sex. This is not what I want!” Tears stung her eyes and blurred her vision.

  “Are you sure about this, Ralt?” the other guard asked. He stood back, concern warming his expression. “All I smell is fear.”

  The leader pushed his hand between her thighs. Kyla cried out, horrified by the casual violation and the shameful wetness on his fingers as he pulled away. The leader walked to his hesitant podmate and waved his fingers under his nose. “What do you smell now?”

  The holdout looked at her, gaze narrowed with lust.

  A harsh sob shattered Kyla’s composure. She’d fantasized about having sex with an aggressive Ventori, about being dominated and overwhelmed, losing herself in the pleasure until nothing else existed. This was different. This was cold and degrading. This was rape.

  “Please. Don’t. Please, please don’t,” she whispered over and over. Even knowing she’d be ignored, she couldn’t stem the litany.

  The leader jerked the front of her uniform open, then worked the sides off her shoulders. She was completely exposed now, helpless and accessible. She closed her eyes frantically searching for a way to disassociate herself from what was about to happen. Someone pinched her nipples while another tried to finger her pussy.

  “Get her legs apart. I can’t reach her cunt like this.” That was the formerly hesitant guard. All three were participating now.

  Unable to contain her anger and fear, Kyla screamed and screamed, tossing her head back and forth as she wildly fought Three’s restraining hold.

  A hand smacked the side of her face, shocking her into silence. Her eyes flew open as anger flared through her other emotions. The leader stood in front of her, hand raised for another slap. “Settle down! That’s enough of that shit.”

  Motion drew her gaze to the sky. Had someone heard her? Please, God let someone hear me. Nothing. The sky arched overhead, stars twinkling merrily as if to mock her peril.

  “Lay her down,” the leader ordered. “Then we can get her pants off.”

  Three pushed her forward, propelling her to her knees, then all the way down on her belly. She turned her head just in time to avoid having her face shoved into the dirt. Her hands were numb, but her shoulders burned. She cried out, her throat raw from all her screaming.

  They removed her shoes, then dragged her pants down and off. Three and Leader worked together to strip her top and roll her onto her back. They spread her legs wide, holding her open with one hand and pinning her shoulders to the ground with the other.

  She screamed again, the sound hoarse and filled with anguish.

  Leader knelt between her wide-spread thighs. The last to join took Leader’s place, holding her down and open.

  “Should have saved some of those screams for this.” Leader opened the front of his pants and released the biggest cock Kyla had ever seen.

  Hopelessness choked off her breath and she quickly closed her eyes.

  Chapter Two

  LeAuntiez sailed through the cool night sky above Protectorate Headquarters, propelled by the occasional flap of his massive wings. He needed these nocturnal flights to clear his mind and center his being. Each day presented its own challenges, but today had been particularly trying.

  His podmate Bron, Chancellor Bronsen Savator to the rest of the Protectorate, had been more surly than usual this morning. Bron’s bad mood was due in part to LeAuntiez’s failure to locate a known traitor. A lack LeAuntiez was desperate to rectify. If he could just—

  Awareness jarred him out of his musings, an impulse strong enough to disrupt the tranquil night. Something was wrong. She was in danger. Without questioning his instincts or trying to understand who ‘she’ was, he turned his head from side to side, scanning as well as listening. He could sense malevolent energy, but was unable to pinpoint the source.

  Protect her! Save her! The words were not spoken, but they echoed so clearly in his mind they might as well have been shouted.

He circled, gliding in a wide arc as he searched for the source of the disturbance. The disruptive energy grew stronger, guiding him though the danger remained unseen. Then he heard it clearly, the terrified screams of a female.

  Locking on to the location, he dove, wings curled tightly against his body. There at the edge of the fighter lot, three males had a female pinned to the ground. Fury surged through his system and a war cry tore from his throat. Females, especially genetically compatible females, were the most precious resource in the universe. Who would be craven enough to abuse one?

  The ground raced toward him at breakneck speed. He waited until the last possible moment to spread his wings. Assessing the scene with one angry look, he swatted the primary assailant back with the power of one wing. The villain hit the ground ten feet away, senseless from the force of the blow. His two assistants cowered, arms over their heads, bodies trembling.

  “Please, sir,” one dared to speak. “This is not what it looks like.”

  The female scrambled up off the ground and ran toward LeAuntiez. Instead of flinging herself against him as he’d expected, she ducked beneath his wing and stood behind him, arms crossed across her breasts. He couldn’t punish the attackers without further traumatizing her, so he summoned his men with a strong telepathic pulse. Not all of the Brokvata were Celestian like him, but basic telepathy was a prerequisite for acceptance into the Protectorate’s elite guard.

  Urrya, LeAuntiez’s half-brother, arrived first. Though only half Celestian, Urrya could manifest wings. He landed next to LeAuntiez and easily identified the dilemma. He reached for the female, but LeAuntiez blocked his path. “Deal with them.” He motioned toward the dishonorable males as he turned toward the female.

  She backed up as soon as he faced her, so LeAuntiez dissolved his wings. “I will not harm you.” He held his hands up palms out, but moved no closer. “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head, visibly shaking. “They were…They almost…”

  “You’re safe now. No one will ever harm you again.” He felt the vow with a conviction that shocked him. He could no longer ignore the urges. She had drawn him here, and now he wanted, no, needed to touch her, to feel that she was safe.